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Digital Renaissance

What do you know about the Renaissance Period that took place in the 15th and 16th centuries? Renaissance literally means 'rebirth'. That was a period when the European continent devoted itself to change and development. People; It has undergone a radical renewal in the fields of politics, culture, politics, science, art, architecture and education. It was a great revolution according to the conditions of the time. Scientists, artists and architects came to the fore. Numerous works of art that have survived to this day were created during that period. In the period we are in now, a revolution similar to the renaissance is taking place. Digital Renaissance... Let's talk about what we are trying to explain by saying Digital Renaissance in our article and how it has changed our lives.

We are on the Verge of the Digital Renaissance

In the period we are in, we are also in a great digital transformation we are in Things that people have been doing routinely for centuries are completely shifting to digital. With the introduction of technology and the internet into our lives, even the simplest action we used to do is now possible digitally. This list can go on and on: our hobbies, our jobs, the way we communicate. In the rest of the article, let us detail what difference we create between us and the people who lived before us.

Our Communication Language is Now Digital

One of the most important needs for a person's survival is to communicate. There are methods that human beings have tried to communicate since the earliest known times. Communicating with smoke, communicating by drawing, letters and postal methods since the invention of writing are some of them. With the invention of the telephone, communication channels gained powerful muscle. At this point, the telephone has been replaced by smart mobile phones and the letter has been replaced by e-mail. Now, thanks to the unlimited access of smart mobile phones to the internet, communication through social channels We started to build. It has reached such power that we can reach people from all over the world with a click. The posts we share on channels such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok reach millions of people instantly. This would have been unimaginable a century ago. Thanks to Linkedin, corporate brands have a medium to reflect their identities. They even select the people they employ through this platform. The development of communication is at such a pace that we encounter a new trend every year.

The Era of Physical Shopping is Ending

In ancient times, people met their needs with the concept of bazaar-market. They shopped at neighborhood markets close to where they lived or in the bazaar where the shops were located. Shopping malls were built in urbanized areas. It was also beneficial for people to handle all their needs from a single location. The idea of having everything at hand, so they can reach it without much effort, is appealing. While this continues to a certain extent, digital has changed our lives at this point as well. Online shopping… Of course, shopping malls and neighborhood markets are still in a corner of our lives. But in the busy pace of life, our time is precious. Why should we make too much effort when we can order whatever we want from the internet? Thanks to e-commerce sites, we can purchase products and services from all over the world. Moreover, our consumer rights such as exchange, refund and cargo service are monitored.


amazon.com, based in Seattle, Washington e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming and artificial intelligence is an American multinational technology company focused on Its founder is Jeff Bezos. The company is remembered as one of the world's most influential economic and cultural forces and one of the world's most valuable brands. The company first emerged as an online marketplace for selling books. But over time, it expanded to sell electronic gadgets, video games, clothing, furniture, food, toys and jewelry.


Trendyol is an e-commerce marketplace headquartered in Istanbul. It was founded by Demet Mutlu in 2010 as a shopping site selling clothing products. The site has transformed into a marketplace format by expanding the products and services it offers in parallel with its growth; It started selling in many categories such as fashion, electronics, home and furniture, food, mother-child and cosmetics.


Hepsiburada.com is a shopping site that has been in operation since 1998 and provides service only over the Internet. It was chosen as Turkey's most popular brand in 2011 and 2012, and as the E-commerce Site of the Year in 2013.

The New Face of Advertising: Digital Advertising

Advertising entered our lives thanks to a farmer. A farmer, who wanted to distinguish his own animals from those of other farms, started printing his own markings on the animals he sent to his customers. In this way, the customer would be able to distinguish from whom he would supply the healthy animal. The advertising journey that started in this way was carried out with traditional methods for a long time. People; It managed to reach the masses thanks to traditional mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Television, in particular, was revolutionary. But times have changed again and digital has shown itself here too. Digital advertising that we share via mobile and web is now popular. We can say that digital advertising has shaken the throne of traditional advertising, thanks to its speed and low budget, our ability to choose the target audience, and our ability to reach all over the world effortlessly.

Our Hobbies Have Become Digital

While so many things are becoming digital, our hobbies cannot be expected to remain traditional. We can download the thick-page books we used to read in a small file to our computer or phone. Many people have switched to this habit because it is both cost-free and easy to carry. Another example of this issue can be given by drawing a picture. artificial intelligence There are great platforms it has developed. Let's talk about these briefly.

Dawn Ai

Dawn-Ai Avatars is a kind of avatar making application. It allows you to create your own avatar by making an avatar from a photo and creates different visuals. Application direct Google Play Store and App Store It can be downloaded for free from .

Digital Renaissance and the World of NFT

NFT is the form of works of art in the digital world. Thanks to blockchain technology, it cannot be imitated or created similar. In the past, very valuable and rare pieces were exhibited and kept in the museum. They were kept under protection because they were priceless and inimitable. Now, these works of art are sold as NFT with serious budgets and exhibited in the digital world. Like everything else, it makes its digital presence known.

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