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Google Bard's New Name is Gemini

Google is on the agenda again with its artificial intelligence technology, which we hear about frequently these days and has revolutionized many fields. However, this time, we are faced with a transformation and development, not just a name change. Google is transitioning to a brand new era by introducing its new generation artificial intelligence chat robot. This new artificial intelligence comes on the scene under the name “Gemini Advanced” and is already attracting attention in the artificial intelligence world.

Gemini Advanced


Google, previously artificial intelligence The name "Bard", which he used to represent the language model, is now the name of the system.GeminiHe replaces it with ”. This name change is not just a name change, but also an expression of the new evolution of artificial intelligence. Gemini Advanced is a big step taken by Google to further develop its artificial intelligence system and spread it to a wide area of use.

User-Friendly and Versatile

User-Friendly Gemini

Google's new artificial intelligence stands out in many ways. Firstly, user friendly Being equipped with an interface strengthens the aim of making the technology available to a wide audience, not just experts. Gemini is capable of competing with other major language models in terms of information processing and performance, and has even won the title of the most preferred chatbot in certain tests.

Google's Eyes on the Future

Google, states that its new artificial intelligence is not just a name change, but also a forward-looking perspective. Gemini Advanced delivers highly advanced performance at complex tasks such as coding, logical reasoning, following subtle instructions, and collaborating on creative projects. As technology writer Ethan Mollick points out, this new AI model clearly stands out as a GPT-4 class model.

The Rise of Conversational Queries


Google emphasizes that its new artificial intelligence not only improves existing technology but also focuses on future search methods. As we enter an era where chat-based queries will come to the fore, Google is trying to maintain its core business proposition in Search Network ads to adapt to this change. GeminiBy offering advanced systems to cope with this change, it contributes to Google maintaining its leadership in the online world.

With the advent of Gemini Advanced, SEO A new era begins in the world. New strategies will need to be developed to increase the visibility and rankings of websites. This new evolution of artificial intelligence is affecting online experiences and search algorithms, forcing businesses and marketers to rethink their approaches.

Google's Artificial Intelligence Journey Continues

Gemini Advanced, Google's new artificial intelligence model, has the potential to be not just a name change but also a turning point in the technology world. With its user-friendly structure, advanced performance and future-oriented perspective, Google continues its artificial intelligence journey with firm steps. It will be exciting to see the role Gemini Advanced will play in shaping the online world in the future.
