
Advertising on Youtube

Youtube is one of the most used digital platforms in our country and in the world. Probably all of us got acquainted with YouTube by listening to music or watching videos. Later, we discovered that we could have a channel by producing content for YouTube. The important thing is that we can make money through this channel. In this circulation, as the number of people producing content for YouTube increased, the views and interest increased at the same rate. Consequently, a new advertising medium was born for brands. Youtube is worth its weight in terms of advertising. In this article, we will talk about how to advertise on YouTube in full detail.

Brands Choose Youtube as an Advertising Site

Advertising on Youtube

Brands need to advertise to promote their products and services. Some use it to make their name known and increase their sales, while others use it to gain trust... The important thing is to choose the right medium. Bygone traditional advertising activities has changed now. Since our entire life is shaped around the internet, advertisements are also published on digital platforms. We can see that there are countless advertisements on social media. Brands choose what suits their services and target audience and advertise. This costs them less budget than traditional. It also allows them to choose their target audience. YouTube, is very suitable for advertising due to both the high number of visitors and the size of the audiences of content producers. Especially display ad It is the first choice of brands that want to exit.

The Importance of Youtube for Advertising

Advertising on Youtube

Which social media platform you choose to advertise depends on some criteria. Some of these are that it is suitable for your product and service, that its audience matches your own target audience, and that it is active in terms of users and visitors. One of these broadcasting platforms that attracts the most viewers is YouTube. YouTubeis a video broadcasting site. To their target audience with visual or video content It is preferred by brands that want to reach out.

How to Do Youtube Advertising?

How to Advertise on Youtube

You can provide detailed information about the functionality of your product on YouTube. While promoting with a training video or detailed explanation video, you can also marketing will also come to the fore. Once you capture your potential target audience and attract their attention, you will contribute to brand awareness. It's up to you what kind of ad you run, but technically there are a few steps you can follow. Let's talk about them now.

Create a Business Account

Since you will be sharing access to your Google account with others, you should open a new business account to avoid security problems. Additionally, opening a new business account separate from your personal account makes it easier for you to differentiate your business.

Go to Youtube and Login to Your Channel

Sign in with your new business account on YouTube. After logging in https://youtube.com/yt/advertise/tr/ You can start the process by going to the link. By clicking on the start button that appears at this address Advertising on YouTube You will go to the page. You need to copy the URL of the video you will advertise. Paste this URL you copied to the required place on the screen that appears after clicking the start button.

Update Your Ad Text and Preview Image

We can say that this step is the most important. Spend time determining the content and visual of the ad copy. It is your natural right to get efficiency from a job that you have budgeted for. At this stage, you can also get help from experts in the field. After entering all the information, press the 'continue' button. On the screen that will appear, you will choose whether to direct your visitor to your YouTube channel or your website.

Set the Budget and Choose the Target Audience

It's time to set a budget for your ad. You should note that the figures mentioned here are daily amounts. Then you must choose the target audience. You have to do some simple math between budget and target audience selection. Choosing the right target audience helps you not to waste your budget. In addition, it is important to hit the target audience precisely to get maximum efficiency from the advertisement.


The last stage is the billing stage. For this adwords You must complete the steps by selecting your account. After you make the payment, your ad will not be published immediately. Editors must review it first. If there is content that the editors find inappropriate, your ad will be rejected. If approval is received, the ad will be published and you can track it via the URL.

Youtube Ad Types

Of course, there is no single type of advertising on a large platform like YouTube. There are different types of these ads and you need to choose the one that suits the product you will promote.

Banner Ads

Advertising on Youtube

It follows standard Google Display Advertising logic. You can publish your ad by entering specific keywords in the subject categories where you want it to appear on the page.

In-Video Display Ad

Advertising on Youtube

These are advertisements that appear for a certain period of time within the video that users watch, and contain any graphics of your brand. You can add more than one display ad at regular intervals depending on the length of the video in which the ad appears.

Youtube Search Ads

Ads that appear at the top of search results, where you can link to your video and channel. If it contains similar or the same keywords as other topic headings, it is possible for it to rank first.

In-Video Text Ads

Advertising on Youtube

Written advertisement option appearing within the videos. In this type of advertising, you only pay when clicked.



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