The earth is angular and the sun revolves around the earth. Trees can talk. The place called the Moon is actually a new continent and aliens are among us. Raw meatballs are the fifth element. There is no rope! That man really flew. America's game is broken, zombie invasion is coming soon... Immortality has been found but it is not explained. It was not the apple that fell on Newton's head, but the horse.
Hello police? We think our upstairs neighbor is feeding dinosaurs! Our cat, Code, is making plans to take over humanity.
Did you believe all this?
Would you be surprised if we came up with unrealistic claims about things that are known to be true? Don't be surprised... If we dream enough, we can believe in all of them, and with the right setup and guidance, we can achieve the impossible and even go beyond it. By finding the right keys, we can open all the doors that seem unreachable.
We know! You may be tired of the boring and serious continuity of reality. You may be surrounded by impossibilities and want new horizons and experiences! Are you drowning in options and having a hard time deciding? Don't worry, you can join a team of incorrigible troublemakers who will be the only helpers of your dreams and the goals you want to achieve.
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